Internal Transfers
Internal transfers are transactions that request the move of funds to one of the beneficiary accounts within the sytem.
Root endpoint
The original endpoint for OData queries for internal transfers requests is /api/v1/Transfers
. While the endpoint remains to be used for POST requests (i.e. internal transfer creation, cancellation, approval, rejection),
for queries it didn't provide the necessary distinction between inbound and outbound transfers. To retrieve outbound and inbound transfers lists and their details, the endpoints below were introduced.
Outbound Transfers
Outbound transfers of an account GET /api/v1/Accounts({accountId})/OutboundTransfers
Outbound transfer by id GET /api/v1/OutboundTransfers({id})
Fees for an outbound transfer GET /api/v1/OutboundTransfers({transferId})/Fees
Inbound Transfers
Inbound transfers of an account GET /api/v1/Accounts({accountId})/InboundTransfers
Inbound transfer by id GET /api/v1/InboundTransfers({id})
Fees for an inbound transfer GET /api/v1/InboundTransfers({transferId})/Fees
Transfer beneficiaries
The root endpoint for queries for transfers beneficiaries is /api/v1/Accounts({accountId})/TransferBeneficiaries
The list of all transfer beneficiaries available for the authorized user /api/v1/TransferBeneficiaries
Transfer beneficiary by id /api/v1/TransferBeneficiaries({id})
"@odata.context": "$metadata#TransferBeneficiaries/$entity",
"Id": 2414,
"AccountId": 10100,
"BeneficiaryAccountId": 112423,
"Name": "Beneficiary2414",
"CurrencyCode": "GBP",
"StatusCode": "E",
"Status": "Enabled"
Internal transfer lifecycle
Creating an internal transfer
The basic request to create an internal transfer
POST /api/v1/Transfers/CreateAccountTransfer HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {authToken}
Content-Type: application/json
"AccountId": {AccountId},
"CurrencyCode": "GBP",
"Amount": 1000.0,
"BeneficiaryId": {BeneficiaryId},
"Reference": "reference text"
parameter | description | data type | validation rules |
AccountId | The account id from which the transfer will be created | int | required |
CurrencyCode | The currency to be transfered | string | required |
Amount | The amount to be transfered | decimal | |
BeneficiaryId | The beneficiary id who will receive the funds | int | required |
Reference | The internal transfer reference, up to 35 characters | string |
Cancelling an internal transfer
POST /api/v1/Transfers/{transferId}/Cancel HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {authToken}
Approving an internal transfer
POST /api/v1/Transfers/{transferId}/Approve HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {authToken}
Rejecting an internal transfer
POST /api/v1/Transfers/{transferId}/Reject HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {authToken}
Webhook events
Transfer created
This event is raised when a new transfer has been created.
"EntityType": "Transfer",
"EntityId": 1234,
"Reason": "TransferCreated",
"ApiUrl": ""
Transfer completed
This event is raised when a new transfer has been completed and funds have been transfered to the beneficiary.
"EntityType": "Transfer",
"EntityId": 1234,
"Reason": "TransferCompleted",
"ApiUrl": ""
Incoming transfer completed
This event is raised on the beneficiary account once the transfer has been completed and funds have been transfered.
"EntityType": "Transfer",
"EntityId": 1234,
"Reason": "IncomingTransferCompleted",
"ApiUrl": ""
Transfer canceled
This event is raised when a transfer has been canceled and the allocated funds have been returned to your account.
"EntityType": "Transfer",
"EntityId": 1234,
"Reason": "TransferCanceled",
"ApiUrl": ""